Thursday, July 28, 2011

Amigos Launches It's First Solar Project!

The cost of energy is increasing all over the world and demand is constantly rising whether you are in Malvern, PA or 2,000 miles away in Macuelizo, Honduras.  Amigos de Jesus has begun development of its first solar project, partnering with TerraSol Energies, a renewable and sustainable energy contractor.  TerraSol Energies will assist amigos with the development of a solar energy plan.  The project design and installation of solar panels will not only reduce cost and promote self-sustainability at our facility, but will also alleviate the natural struggles that we, not unlike most people in rural Central America, deal with on a daily basis.  Constant power outages due to high demand, poor infrastructure and an unsophisticated grid system are not just an inconvenience.  Without reliable electricity the children do not have access to basic necessities - like clean water.  Our electric wells that provide clean, filtered water; our refrigeration system that maintains perishable food; lights for our school; administrative capabilities - All these things and more cannot function during the outages which can last for minutes, hours or even days.  The first phase of the solar plan is scheduled to begin in fall of 2011 and will include the installation of panels that will produce enough energy to run our wells, thereby securing the availability of clean water for our children and staff.  If you would more information on the solar project or how you can help - please contact our office at 610-644-8237 or 

Recent news regarding clean energy in Central America:

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