Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hope for Renewal

Two days ago, on the 15th of September, Honduras celebrated her national independence day. Festivities abounded, "fiesticas" (little parties) were held in schools, parades could be seen in the bigger cities, there was celebration of the nation's independence, of the nation's sustainability, of her individualism as a country. The overt pride felt by the citizens of this country in being Honduran was evident. And yet, one cannot help but wonder, what sort of independence it really is that the people of this small Central American country can celebrate as they continue to struggle with a situation of political crisis.

Yesterday President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, who has been a pivotal player in trying to aid the journey to resolution for this country, held a meeting with four of the six declared candidates in the upcoming November election. The purpose of this meeting was to try to get them all on the same page insofar as what the world's leaders are saying - to clarify that no electoral results would be seen as legitimate by the international community (no matter who wins) if Manuel Zelaya was not first reinstated as President of Honduras. There has yet to be a report published regarding the success of yesterday's meeting.

Meanwhile, our boys are well at the Hogar, happy and healthy. The new group of volunteers is finishing up their last week of language school in Guatemala and will be arriving at our Hogar - their new home for the next 14 months - on Saturday. Here in Philadelphia we are "preparing the banquet," as you read in our recent newsletter, and getting ready for our October 4th Picnic celebration of the Amigos de Jesús community. We do hope you will join us!
[See above blog entry.]

As we accompany our sisters and brothers in Honduras in this time of celebration and independence, in the faith-filled journey towards a better tomorrow, and in the daily petition for peace, perhaps we can offer up together a prayer of hope.

Prayer for a World Renewed

O God,
our creator and sustainer,
we pray to you:
We want to celebrate life.
We cry out against all that kills life:
hunger, poverty, unemployment, sickness,
debt, repression, individualism,
abuse of the earth, injustice, and all other
forms of slavery.
We want to announce fullness of life:
work, education, health, housing,
safe environment, bread for all.
We want communion, solidarity,
a world renewed.
We hope against hope.
With the God of history,
we want to make things new again.

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